Sunday, March 19, 2017

Happy St.Patricks Day!

The students really led their learning path this week as they decided as a group that they'd like to build leprechaun traps to catch a leprechaun. We read books to learn about what a leprechaun likes (gold) and how a leprechaun acts (they can be very tricky!). Then the students made plans in their journals using pictures, labels, and sentences. They brought in object from home to share with their classmates and got into groups to combine plans and put their traps together. We noticed there must have been a leprechaun in the room while we were at community meeting because there were little green footprints everywhere and all of the gold in our traps was taken! He must have heard us coming because he disappeared but dropped the bag of gold on his way out! Lucky us! I hope you had as exciting a St.Patricks day us we did!
Check all of the fun we had along with a special visit from Mr.M with his "magic ball", block buildings and puzzles, and math games that help up learn addition to five!

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